Case Study
Cuts on Cody's Leg:
When Cody arrived with us he had these deep cuts on his leg. After 2/3 days infection began to show. Straight away we decided to poultice the cuts & draw the infection out, as the heat & flies were not helping his healing.
We started him on immune boosting herbs & 3/4 cloves of raw Garlic daily, to help fight the infection. |
This is a Herbal Poultice that I made to draw the infection out of the wound. We changed the poultice daily & we were quite shocked of what came out of the wound each day |
Poultice held on with bandage. Then we placed a tendon boot over the bandage to keep the bandage in place |
After Poulticing the wound for at least one week we left it off & the wound dried up & healed.