Sprouts are the ultimate in home-grown foods.
Sprouted seeds are nothing more than germinated seeds which are feed raw.
Sprouts are also among the least expensive foods you can buy or grow. sprouts are so inexpensive, there's really no excuse for not adding them into your horses diet.
- One of the most effective ways to achieve optimal health for your horse is to add plenty of whole, organically-grown foods, and sprouts into the diet. Sprouts offer some of the highest levels of nutrition.
- Best of all, you can easily and inexpensively grow sprouts at home. They're a particularly excellent choice during winter months, when antioxidants are at a low. Another major benefit is that you don't have to cook them.
Great Reasons why your horse should eat Sprouts.
Many of the benefits of sprouts relate to the fact that, in their initial phase of growth, the plants contain more concentrated amounts of nutrients. As a result, you need to eat far less sprouts, in terms of amount, compared to a mature plant. For example, when sprouting seeds, nuts, beans, and grains you get:
- Higher vitamin content. In some seeds, the vitamin content is increased by as much as 20 times during the sprouting process. Some go even higher. The B1 in mung beans, for example, increases by 285 percent when sprouted; B2 go up by 515 percent; and B3 (niacin) by 256 percent.
- Higher enzyme content. Sprouts contain an estimated 100 times more enzymes than fresh fruits and vegetables. These enzymes allow your body to extract higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from other foods you eat in conjunction with the sprouts as well.
- Increased essential fatty acid and fibre content. The essential fatty acid and fibre content also increases dramatically during the sprouting process. Most people do not get enough fibre or healthy fats in their diet for optimal health, and sprouts can be a great source of both.
- Increased bioavailability of minerals and protein. When the seed starts to sprout, minerals such as calcium and magnesium bind to proteins in the seed, which makes both the minerals and the protein more readily available and usable in your body.
Benefits of sprouted seeds
- In addition, the proteins are altered in beneficial ways during the process of sprouting, so you get more, and higher quality, protein from sprouts compared to eating the unsprouted seed.
- Excellent Nutrition & digestibility.
- High Antioxidant content.
- They contain real, bioavailable minerals.
- They contain enzymes which help with digestion.
- They offer a great variety of amino acids.
- Grown in your kitchen, with little effort.
- Reduce your dependency on processed feed.
- Non GMO, buy organic.
- Your secret weapon against disease-they contain large amounts of phytochemicals (antioxidants).
- Dried seeds store for years.
- No soil, no weeds, no bugs, no pests.
- The seeds do the growing–you just have to water them which takes about one minute per day.
- Doesn’t matter where you live, Alaska or Florida, you can grow them.
- 5 table spoons of seed yields about 1 pound of sprouts; value for money.
I have picked mung beans as one of the perfect things to sprout as they are cheap and easy to sprout.
Benefits of sprouted mung beans.
How to sprout
Place your seed in a clean jar start with 3-4 tbsp. of seed. Then completely cover the seeds with water leaving a space about an inch from the top. Leave the seeds to soak in the water overnight. The next day, they will be slightly swollen. The lid of your jar can be made from net curtain, cheesecloth, etc. Place an elastic band around material to secure it. I like to use warm water to soak my mung beans in.
dry seed all that's missing is water.
The next day you need to drain your seeds. I like to rinse and drain my seeds a few times and leave them to drain. With mung beans I like to sprout mine in the dark so I put a tea towel over them.
good way to let you seeds drain
I sprout my mung beans for 4-6 days until they have little tails on them.
Ready to feed, nice long tails.
Keep it real Rachel Kelly Equine Herbalist.
sources- Mercola.com